Nest Boxes, Guards & Signs
Bluebird Nest Box Design
We have evolved a bluebird nest box over the past few years which is working well on our trails. The bluebirds seem to like the design, and it is easy to monitor and clean out.
Download a diagram showing the recommended box mounting method
Predator Guard Designs
We utilize two types of predator guards to help limit predation of our bluebird nest boxes. One we call the Cat/Raccoon Guard is made of a heavy wire mesh and goes on the front of the nest box to help fend off raccoons, cats, opossums, large birds, etc. This works by backing the critters off so it is too far of a reach into the box to get the eggs or babies. The pattern for the Raccoon Guard now posted on this site is slightly different from our original version. We have changed it to make it easier to cut out and lace together. The other guard, Snake Guard, is made of round metal ducting material and is installed on the mounting pole for the nest box. This guard is primarily to inhibit access by snakes which just love to dine on little birds and eggs. This guard can also fend off climbing cats, squirrels, raccoons, etc. (It also provides a bit of a challenge for squirrels when used on pole-mounted bird feeders.)
Don’t let this happen to your bluebird nest box. Mount your nest box on a metal pole, use a Snake Guard, and position your nest box away from nearby and overhanging branches.
VBS Nest Box Signs
See what the signs look like here.
If you monitor nest boxes on public land and the boxes comply with VBS protocols (mounted on a metal pole with both snake baffle and raccoon guard installed) consider installing these signs to warn against disturbance and to help promote VBS.
Signs cost $1.00 each and may be ordered in one of two ways:
Send a request to VBS, Attn: Nest Box Signs, 726 William St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Include number of labels requested, a check for $1.00 for each label ordered, and the address to which they should be sent. Allow four weeks for delivery of labels.
Alternatively, if you cannot afford to pay for them, you may apply for a N/R Trail Grant. Application available here. The trail must be a VBS sanctioned trail and must be reporting year end data to VBS. Once you receive notification of grant approval, allow four weeks for delivery of labels.
VBS strongly recommends assessing your nest box sign needs at the conclusion of the nesting season when you clean out and winterize your boxes. This will allow adequate time for order fulfillment and sign installation in advance of the following nesting season.
Email and phone requests cannot be fulfilled.
Other Designs
Harry Pruitt nest box
Harry Pruitt nest box with snake guard