Letter from the President

Dear Virginia Bluebird Society member,

As VBS enters its 27th year we find ourselves at an important, even critical juncture in our organization.

At the time of our annual meeting on November 4, 2023, in addition to approving several important bylaw changes, we will also be electing five new members of the executive committee and three new directors.

This is an unprecedented turnover for the body trusted with managing the business and affairs of VBS. It is also an unprecedented opportunity for members of Virginia Bluebird Society to step up to ensure the long-term success of VBS in meeting our mission of promoting and protecting Bluebirds and other secondary cavity nesters.

We are seeking candidates for the positions of President, President Elect, Vice President of Trails, Vice President of Education, Secretary, and director. Along with the normal responsibilities of running the organization, the 2023-2024 board will be tasked with planning and hosting the 2024 biennial conference.

If you have any interest in volunteering for a position on the board of directors, I invite you to send me an email at vbs@virginiabluebirds.org indicating your interest, the experience and the skills you will bring to the board. A love of Bluebirds is a requirement; broad knowledge of Bluebirds is not.

I want you to know the past 3-1/2 years serving as president of VBS have been among the most rewarding of my life. I am sure if you chose to volunteer and are elected, you too will find it both fun and immensely rewarding.

I look forward to hearing from you!

- vkg